Drilling rigs and drilling equipment for sale. Agency, Joint venture with foreign companies
BENTOSUND 140 is an activated sodium bentonite, extended with specific products, to make it able to extend the standard rheological characteristic, until obtaining double yield with respect to the traditional products. BENTOSUND 140 is indicated for the preparation of fluids, used in civil engineering for digging of special foundations. As a...
http://www.idricom.com/ IDRICOM is an Italian consortium of SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises), currently comprising 30 founder-members; the Consortium was founded in accordance with current legislation (Italian D.L. 83 22.06.2012, art. 42, enacted in Law 134 of 7th August 2012).IDRICOM includes drilling contractors providing ground drilling and related services,...
Ideally suited for HDD (horizontal directional...
PAV. 1 - STAND...
PFP PEDRINI signs a new partnership agreement with ORION PRODUKT...
Tel. +39.0524.60006
Tel. +39.0524.293001
Fax +39 0524.60528
Email info@pfpdrill.it
PFP Pedrini s.r.l.
Via Emilia Ovest n. 56,
Loc. Rimale
43036 Fidenza (PARMA)